Key Insights

Based on the data analysis, floods and droughts have the highest impact on the population and economy of Malawi. Earthquakes and landslides also cause significant damage, while epidemics pose a serious health risk. Investing in resilience measures targeting these disaster types can greatly reduce the overall impact on the country.

Qualitative Report

During the last multi-stakeholder discussions, the following key points were highlighted:

  • A joint event in Samoa at CHOGM to showcase results of our collaboration, alongside the launch of the Commonwealth Disaster Resilience Centre, is to be considered.
  • A partnership with Care International globally and Care International Malawi, specifically, is to be considered.
  • There is a need for an integrated ecosystem for loss and damage.
  • Solutions discussed include:
    • Hazard mapping, which is possible through partnerships with tech firms such as Balcony.
    • Natural-based solutions such as mangrove planting, which has shown great results in Sri Lanka.
    • Early warning systems, which can be supported through our partners, Balcony and Planet Labs.
    • Increased civic awareness and advocacy to respond to signs of impending disasters.
  • For proof of concept, one next step is to identify communities in which to launch pilots/pocket projects of capacity-building, strengthened infrastructure, early warning systems, etc.
  • Breaking silos and fostering more discussion between the health and climate sectors would make for stronger impact at COP. In the interest of this, national and regional meetings on disaster resilience must be held, which will require resources.
  • Establishment of quarterly meetings with the Commonwealth's disaster resilience team would be helpful.
  • The Ministry will provide information on their ongoing projects in this space.
  • Seed money for small-scale businesses would foster self-reliance and resilience.

Commonwealth in Malawi

  • Commonwealth official in awe of Malawians' resilience

    A Commonwealth official expressed admiration for Malawians' resilience in the face of natural disasters during a visit to the country. The official highlighted the importance of collaboration between the government, civil society organizations, and international partners in strengthening disaster risk management and building resilience in communities.

Stories of Resilience

Chisomo's Journey
Chisomo's Journey

Chisomo, a farmer from Malawi, shares how she adapted her farming techniques to cope with the changing climate and frequent droughts.

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Community Resilience
Community Resilience

Learn how a community in Malawi came together to build flood-resistant homes and establish early warning systems.

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Innovating for Change
Innovating for Change

Discover how a local NGO is using technology to improve disaster response and support affected communities.

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